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How to Complain If Landlord Won't Return Your Deposit

By: Elizabeth Mugan BA/BSc, PGDipLaw, BVC, CIArb - Updated: 21 Apr 2024 |
Landlord Tenant Deposit Dispute County

When renting a property, a landlord will in most cases ask for a deposit. The law after 6 April 2007 requires that a landlord deposits into a Tenancy Deposit Scheme to stop landlords from pocketing a tenant’s money. These are the new rules for Assured Short hold Tenancies, which protect both the landlord and tenant in the case of a dispute and provides an Alternative Dispute Resolution Service (ADR) to resolve such dispute.

Tenancy Deposit Scheme

At the end of your tenancy, the landlord will inspect the property to see if they are happy with how you have treated it. If there is any damage, they will apply for an amount of the deposit to cover the expense of returning the property to its original state. Any leftover money will be returned to you. If however, you dispute any application from your landlord for money, you need to contact your landlord and the Scheme with which your Deposit is held.

There are three schemes under the Housing Act 2004 with which your landlord may deposit your money in. Your landlord is required to give notice of the scheme they use and their contact details within 7 days of the tenancy agreement, should you need to contact them.

If you have not received this letter, then your landlord may not have deposited your money. You must check with each of the three schemes to see if your property is registered. If not, you can make a Part 8 application to your local County Court. The Judge must order your landlord to pay back three times the amount of the deposit plus the deposit, or order that the deposit must be placed in a scheme so that the dispute can be solved.


If you have a dispute, start by contacting your landlord to inform them of your complaints and then following it up in writing, giving them 14 days to respond. It is important to note that many landlords take photographs of their property or keep notes of inspections before you move in, which you should ask to see in the event of a dispute. That way you can analyse the state of the property ‘before’ and ‘after’. Also keep a log of events and conversations between you and your landlord in case the dispute reaches court.

Alternative Dispute Resolution

You should hopefully be able to negotiate with your landlord at this stage. If however the dispute remains unresolved, you should contact the scheme with which your deposit is held, detailing your complaints and sending them any evidence or correspondence between the landlord and yourself. At this point, the scheme’s Alternative Dispute Resolution Service will aid in negotiations and arrange a date or dates for doing so. If negotiations fail, you may wish to take action in the Small Claims Court.

Small Claims Court

If you have to take your landlord to court to try and get your deposit back, you need to apply to the Small Claims court. You can represent yourself though you may wish to seek legal advice. The court will look at the evidence of both parties and decide who they rule in favour of. The law is normally on the side of the tenant and so if your landlord has acted unfairly, you may have a good chance of success.

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I am writing to formally address the ongoing issues regarding my tenancy at [8 Tom Nolan Close, London, E15 3AU]. Despite our previous discussions and agreements, I have been subjected to harassment and discriminatory behavior, culminating in my forced eviction from the property.On [31st March 2024], you verbally confirmed my intention to end the tenancy agreement with a final date of March 31, 2024. In accordance with this agreement, I duly complied and vacated the premises. However, despite fulfilling my obligations, you have unjustly withheld a portion of my deposit (£850) and subjected me to verbal abuse and threats of physical violence.Furthermore, I must highlight the discriminatory remarks made towards me based on my ethnicity, which is both unacceptable and unlawful. Your actions have not only violated our tenancy agreement but have also infringed upon my rights as a tenant and as an individual.It has come to my attention that despite advertising the availability of the property from April 1, 2024, you were unable to secure a new tenant until April 16, 2024. Your failure to find a replacement tenant in a timely manner does not justify withholding my deposit or attempting to extract additional funds from me.I demand the immediate return of my full deposit (£850) as per our initial agreement. Failure to comply with this demand will result in further legal action, including but not limited to pursuing damages for emotional distress and discrimination.I urge you to rectify this situation promptly to avoid any escalation of this matter. Yours sincerely,
AK - 21-Apr-24 @ 10:46 AM
Hi. I left my previous property on Feb 15th 2020. No# 200. Due to the landlord selling the property because the council received a complaint about the letting agents I believe and came to the property under the housing act. They requested that the letting agents /landlord needed to carry out repairs to the former property. Unfortunately the landlord deemed this as financially impossible and decide to sell. I was given notice on the 31st of Dec 2020 to vacate by the end of March. I didn't receive the letter until mid January and had to pay for it. (I've kept the letter and receipt) this was not hand delivered. Right now I have now moved out and I haven't heard a thing from the letting agents in regards to my deposit, given it was 5 weeks before covid and the lockdown. it has been registered in the deposit scheme tps I believe but alas the property before that the deposit wasn't (same letting agent). I haven't received an (I think this is right) adr for the former property.. No 200. And I don't know what to do, the letting agent has my email address but not the address I now live at and I haven't received any correspondence. Please advise. Thanks Kate
Kate - 29-Jul-20 @ 8:03 PM
My Landlady forced me to move out of the house with 2weeks notice, verbally threatened with sections 21 and 8 for no apparent reason (no damage caused, rent paid on time, property was cleaner then I moved in)... promised to return my deposit and unused rent money as soon as I move out. Unfortunately I haven't received anything, worse, she's avoiding all communication. I was signed off from work due to stress Is there anything I can do? Any suggestions? TIA
Yvette - 5-Mar-20 @ 9:32 PM
So basically my tenancy comes to an end next month. I found a new flat, but when I messaged my landlord to give my months notice- he said I should give 2 months or my deposits forfeited. BUT he has never protected my deposit, nor given me a copy of gas safety even after being asked till 4 months in when a new safety check was done. So I dont know wether to bring these up? And of to just leave then go through the compensation scheme if he still gives me trouble about getting it back. I re-read my tenancy and it does say 2 months notice ?? but I feel with these factors and the usually month when I've been a good tenant is enough with the other lack of legalities he obviously chooses to ignore?
Eli - 11-Feb-20 @ 4:38 PM
Hi, I need advice on my situation. My deposit is protected but hold buy my landlord. Its allready 7 months like He is not returning my deposit back. Allways he have some excuses for us. Please advice how I could get my deposit back.
Sewa - 13-Jan-20 @ 9:52 AM
Hi I live at 372 forest road for about two years and I made a deposit of 200 pounds which the landlord refuse to return.I contacted him and he told me to send my bank details to him which I did but he hasent put anything in my account.I am totally fedup of this . On another occasion tow years ago I was wronglyput out on the streets by another landlord with no notice what so ever and did not get back my 300 deposit al because he had an issue with another tenant which was my friend so his reason was because she is my friend got put out as well and I had already give him my rent which he never returned either. I need some help and advice please
Nil - 7-Jan-20 @ 10:15 AM
With TDS you can call them and get them to get the police and legal system involved. You shouldnt have to pay for these services.
nynyk - 2-Dec-19 @ 6:48 PM
Me and my housemate gave a deposit of £2000 at the beginning of the tenancy. This was held by TDS. We moved out a month a ago and got an inventory check out highlight nothing had changed. The landlord refuses to reply and so the process has moved to a dispute with TDS who are holding it. How can we get this back? It very frustrating as this is purely because the landlord won't reply.
LilSH - 27-Sep-19 @ 4:01 PM
Paid a deposit with no signing an agreement, I didnt end up moving in and the landlady refuse to give my deposit back
Steve - 13-Jun-19 @ 12:26 PM
Just moved out of a property and the agent used an independent checkout service to inspect the property. Their report, which includes photographic evidence, came back with no issues whatsoever (they actually commented that it is the cleanest a property has ever been for one of their checkouts, and the property was left in excellent condition), and the agent is happy to return our full deposit. However, the landlords have emailed the agent with a list of untrue and unfair complaints about damage/cleanliness of the property, and are apparently trying to stop us from having our deposit back. The agent even said they are very angry at the landlords over this. Can the agent and the checkout company override the landlords so that we can have our deposit returned, or are we looking at a drawn-out process trying to reach a resolution with the landlords? We weren't expecting this at all, and thought we had a good relationship with our landlords as well as our agent, but it seems that the landlords have decided to be unreasonable out of the blue. Pretty worried, confused, and a little angry about it all.
HRS - 21-Mar-19 @ 4:07 PM
My landlord refuse to answers my call fpr talk to me. My ex husband still living in there and he say he just will give my half of the deposit fir the flat when he live the house. For months I'm trying to get my money back. It's reallt unfair.
Mica - 17-Jan-19 @ 6:23 AM
I was renting a two bedroom from 2014 until last year 2017 end of August. Paid full rent of R4850. When I moved out my landlord promised me that I will get my deposit when he get a tanant.two months after she got another tenant. Still refuse to pay back my deposit. If I new that she will do this to me I should have not paid rent up until end of August. till today I haven't got my money back. How can I get help.
Getty - 22-Jun-18 @ 5:23 PM
Sunny - Your Question:
HiBefore I left the room that I was renting for £650 a month my landlord promised he will give within a week. I said ok as I trusted him, 1 week went then when I call he said he don’t have yet once he finds someone for room he will give, 1 month gone he finally found someone. Now he keeps giving excuses , I’m really fed up and don’t know what to do. It’s been 4 months now

Our Response:
If the information in the article hasn't answered your question, please see more via the link here.
ComplaintExpert - 18-May-18 @ 12:41 PM
Hi Before I left the room that I was renting for £650 a month my landlord promised he will give within a week ... I said ok as I trusted him,1 week went then when I call he said he don’t have yet once he finds someone for room he will give, 1 month gone he finally found someone. Now he keeps giving excuses , I’m really fed up and don’t know what to do. It’s been 4 months now
Sunny - 18-May-18 @ 1:54 AM
Landlord failed to return my deposit even after we went to court and i won the case. Judge order him to pay 3 times the amount of a month rent. Now is nowhere to be seen and not replying my calls. I found another flat and want to move out . What more can i do ? Thank you
Warrior - 14-May-18 @ 2:37 PM
@Saaa - the TDS won't let the landlord take advantage.
Jes - 4-May-18 @ 2:43 PM
Hi My landlord has taken all my deposit and now is asking for more money after I raised a dispute to TDS who I. Turn with in the favour of the landlord! This landlord keeps sending me invoices of the damagesI have done to the flat which was originally done by her! She put foam to close the holes in the wall and put foil over the fan in the bathroom causing Damp in the bathroom now she is claiming that I have done that! I have some evidence which was submitted to TDS and wasn’t considered! Such ashame I reckon she is doing that because she is aware I don’t know the system here!
Saaa - 4-May-18 @ 12:05 AM
I rented a room with a month to month rental of rent for 850 with 850 security deposit . I moved in March 1st and due to money complications i notice my landlord on the 23 of march i wouldnt be able to no longer live there he said its fine and now that its the 1st of april hes telling me if he doesnt find anyone by the 5th of april he wont give me my security deposit back .April 5th passed i called him he said he found someone( note he said he didnt have my deposit to refund me because of his self renovation to his home was in progress , which im taking he used my money for) Now i keep calling him , he wont answer some of my calls he tells me if i wanna sue him to do so but im trying my best to hande it out of court .Is he allowed to keep my money when we agreed on it being month to month and when he found someone else? I have calls and textsrecored of our convos for help.
CarenArizona - 3-May-18 @ 3:52 PM
Jp - Your Question:
We moved out of the property on the agreed date. The landlord raised a few issues which we sorted out. Now he is delaying returning us the deposit and not answering his phone. It has been more than 2 weeks. What course of action is available?

Our Response:
You can see more via the link here, which will tell you all you need to know.
ComplaintExpert - 3-May-18 @ 3:20 PM
We moved out of the property on the agreed date. The landlord raised a few issues which we sorted out. Now he is delaying returning us the deposit and not answering his phone. It has been more than 2 weeks. What course of action is available?
Jp - 1-May-18 @ 11:36 PM
Emma - Your Question:
I have disputed my deposit with the DPS as I do not agree with the £460.00 the letting agent have proposed.My daughter had managed to burn the carpet with a hairdryer - I informed the agents and was aware that I would be charged. They have asked me to rightly pay the £225 for compensation but was under the impression they were not going to change the carpet. As they had charged me money to have the carpets cleaned including the damaged carpet. They have then tried to charge me £165.00 on top of the £225 carpet and £70.00 carpet cleaning for extra cleaning of the property. There was a finger print on the light switch which I missed and some dust ( Areas I physically couldn't reach due to being pregnant) so fully except a small charge. Even though the house was bleached and repainted. The gentleman who they send round to complete the check out is also the chap who gets the cleaning jobs. I have complained stating this could be seen as a conflict of interest for his and their financial gain.They have not responded to my email and funnily when I call there is no one to speak to me. Can anyone advise please?

Our Response:
Where there is a disagreement, the matter will go directly to the DPS dispute resolution service for arbitration. You can see more via the gov.uk link here.
ComplaintExpert - 27-Apr-18 @ 9:26 AM
I have disputed my deposit with the DPS as I do not agree with the £460.00 the letting agent have proposed.My daughter had managed to burn the carpet with a hairdryer - I informed the agents and was aware that I would be charged. They have asked me to rightly pay the £225 for compensation but was under the impression they were not going to change the carpet. As they had charged me money to have the carpets cleaned including the damaged carpet. They have then tried to charge me £165.00 on top of the £225 carpet and £70.00 carpet cleaning for extra cleaning of the property. There was a finger print on the light switch which I missed and some dust ( Areas I physically couldn't reach due to being pregnant) so fully except a small charge. Even though the house was bleached and repainted. The gentleman who they send round to complete the check out is also the chap who gets the cleaning jobs. I have complained stating this could be seen as a conflict of interest for his and their financial gain.They have not responded to my email and funnily when I call there is no one to speak to me. Can anyone advise please?
Emma - 26-Apr-18 @ 12:47 PM
sam - Your Question:
My partner wants to move out from a flat that she rented for a 10months and now he wants to move out of the flat because the of some mul-functions at the flat now she placed a notice after complaining to the landlord for several times with no maintanace, but the landlord refuses to refund her with the deposit because they say she has not stayed the full period of the lease agreement

Our Response:
As we are a UK-based site, we can only answer UK-based complain questions. The laws will be different in South Africa, therefore you would have to get help in your own country.
ComplaintExpert - 26-Apr-18 @ 10:28 AM
My partner wants to move out from a flat that she rented for a 10months and now he wants to move out of the flat because the of some mul-functions at the flat now she placed a notice after complaining to the landlord for several times with no maintanace, but the landlord refuses to refund her with the deposit because they say she has not stayed the full period of the lease agreement
sam - 25-Apr-18 @ 2:40 PM
Hi, i leaving in a house and my landlord he gave us a notice to move with 3 weeks. And i told him i will not moving until will no give me my deposit back. All good, he come the day when i need to move and i call the agency to come to check the rooms and all thinghs from the house. One of employ from agency he come to check and should give me my deposit. All good ,he give me a ceck with my deposit and i was gone. Next day i was in bank to take the money and they take it the check. But in the next day i look in my online banking and i se the check he was unpaid. And now i don’t find this agency. They have move from the addres with office. They no answer on my text and on my call. What should do now?
Johnny - 20-Feb-18 @ 10:08 AM
Hi, I moved out of the property after 8 months, gave nearly 2 month notice to the landlord. Paid rent promptly and had given 2 month deposit.I lived with my 4 children. Inspite of several email the landlord nearly after 21 days replied stating he is deducting the deposit amount £1400 towards painting, carpet cleaning, oven cleaning, garden cleaning and happy to pay £200.00 only. I don't know what to do. Please advice. We cleaned the house before handing over. The carpets are not new, the wall has marks here and there but not very bad. Pls advice.
Prince - 22-Jan-18 @ 2:25 AM
I was renting a room and I left when my tenancy finished. Before I left I asked him about my deposit and he said it will be returned to me in 2weeks and 3weeks later I have reminded him and he kept sayin next day. Now he ignores my text and declines my calls so I guess he’s blocked my number what do I do?
Nana - 11-Jan-18 @ 8:38 AM
I had rented a room of a landlord for two years, i actually lived on the property with the landlord so this is where it gets confusing.I left in July of this year and she said she would get me my deposit back to me, over the past couple of months she has been saying she's busy and will get it done.Now she is not answering my calls or returning my texts messages.Am i right in thinking that because i lived in the property she does not have to protect my deposit in a tenancy agreement scheme.So its very hard for me to get this money back.Any advice would be appreciated as i feel completely done over by her.Has anyone heard of the before or know anyway in which i can get my money back.
Jaxko - 29-Nov-17 @ 9:48 PM
Rachel - Your Question:
Hi, my lease expired and I gave the landlord a letter stating I won't be renewing. Her husband painted when we moved in and not even two coates. It was not even done professionally. The windows was cracked and we could not open some window or close them because they were damaged. We washed the walls and the cupboards had slight stain marks when I moved in because of her previous tenants. She is refusing to return my deposit saying she is getting painters to re paint and getting people to clean the cupboard. She also had roach bait in the cupboard and we sprayed everyday. Now she wants to fumigate. She asked me for keys to put up curtains because someone tried to break in which was lies because I went back on Sunday and there was nothing. So I am battling to get my money back, it is not even in a truct. I had to pay it into her husbands account.

Our Response:
Your tenancy deposit protection (TDP) scheme offers a free dispute resolution service if you disagree with your landlord about how much deposit should be returned. You can see more on how to complain via the gov.uk link here.
ComplaintExpert - 1-Aug-17 @ 11:35 AM
Hi, my lease expired and i gave the landlord a letter stating i won't be renewing. Her husband painted when we moved in and not even two coates. It was not even done professionally. The windows was cracked and we could not open some window or close them because they were damaged. We washed the walls and the cupboards had slight stain marks when i moved in because of her previous tenants. She is refusing to return my deposit saying she is getting painters to re paint and getting people to clean the cupboard. She also had roach bait in the cupboard and we sprayed everyday. Now she wants to fumigate. She asked me for keys to put up curtains because someone tried to break in which was lies because i went back on Sunday and there was nothing. So i am battling to get my money back, it is not even in a truct. I had to pay it into her husbands account.
Rachel - 31-Jul-17 @ 10:40 AM
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