Under the terms of the tenancy agreement, landlords are legally bound to provide a good standard of accommodation. If they fail to honour this in any way then the tenant has every right to complain.
Upholding Landlord Standards
As a tenant you have every right to expect that certain standards are upheld by your rented accommodation and the landlord. These should be outlined in your tenancy agreement.
In summary, the landlord must ensure that your home is safe and in good repair. If you have kept to your side of the tenancy agreement then you are entitled to all your deposit back at the end of your lease. If the landlord withholds this then they must prove why they are doing so. If they harass you then they could be breaking the law. And finally they must follow the correct procedure if they ask you to leave the property.
If they fail to meet the standards outlined in the contract then you have both a right and a duty to complain.
First Discuss With Your Landlord
If your landlord is failing to uphold their terms then you should first discuss the matter with them directly, either in person or over the phone. They should be given the opportunity to sort out the problem before any official complaint procedures are followed. They may even not be aware there is a problem and prove willing and able to rectify the situation promptly.
You should give your landlord a reasonable time to put things right. How long it is reasonable will depend on the nature of the problem. If your drains are blocked then you would expect immediate action, but the handle has fallen off the kitchen door then it is fair to wait a couple of weeks at most.
If the landlord needs to access the property to carry out any repairs then you must give them reasonable access to the property, and in return they should give you 24 hours notice of their visit, and call at a sensible time.
Complaint Procedures
If this approach fails to achieve a satisfactory resolution – perhaps you feel they are ignoring you or not taking your problem seriously – you can take your problem to the next level by enquiring as to whether the landlord operates an official complaints procedure.
As mandatory members of the Independent Housing Ombudsman Scheme, all social landlords are required have a procedure in place for dealing with complaints. Copies should be able from their offices.
Private landlords are not obliged to operate such a procedure, although the larger ones typically do, as well as those that have chosen to be part of the Independent Housing Ombudsman Scheme or a landlord accreditation scheme.
If your rented accommodation is council owned then you should instead follow its own complaints procedure.
Ombudsman Support
If the final result of the respective complaints procedure proves unsatisfactory then you are entitled to raise the issue with the appropriate ombudsman scheme, which will investigate the complaint and offer its own assessment.
If your landlord is a member of the Independent Housing Ombudsman the complaint should be taken up with them. If your property is council owned and they have failed provide a satisfactory resolution then they are answerable to the Local Government Ombudsman.
Complaint Letter
If the landlord is not answerable to a complaints procedure you should instead send them a formal letter of complaint.
The letter should be addressed to the appropriate member of staff at the correct address, and be clearly identifiable as a complaint. The text should clearly define the problem and what you want the landlord to do to put things right.
Contact the Council
If such efforts prove futile and your landlord is still failing to honour the tenancy agreement then you should contact your local authority. Housing officers should offer advice on what to do, aid you if your situation has become difficult as a result of the dispute and also help you in pursuing the matter further. They have the power to take action - under the Landlord and Tenant Act 1985, the local council is able to prosecute landlords.
Seeking Advice
Aside from your local authority’s Housing department, Tenancy Relations Office or Environmental Health Department, you could also seek advice from a Law Centre, Citizens Advice Bureau, Housing Advice Centre or a solicitor.
Such advisors will prove invaluable if your complaint is not resolved and no other option is left open other than to go to court in order to enforce your rights.
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I've been in a single room for a year now but the day I moved in was promised a double room in 3 weeks. The landlordhas been in my room on at least three occasions without any notification at all. The only notification i have received was when the council did a visit and was told not to be in the property at that time!!! The washing machine wasn't working for over four months. It took 6 weeks for me to get my room key. Items of food and toiletries were stolen. All these issues were reported to the landladys husband as I had no contact, and still don't, details for her . On moving into the property the tenancy agreement was only one page. Also as well as paying £585 per month I've also had to pay £40 per month for gas and electricity. That makes my single room costing £625 per month ... extortionate don't you think ????
Vince - 31-Jul-21 @ 7:43 PM
Hello...last week when i was visiting a friend,his carbon monoxide detector started going off and he said it had started again a few days after. He could only contact his landlord/private landlords company,as far as i know nothing has been done. I tried to warn my friend because of his own safety and that of his 8 year old daughter who both reside there. Any advice that i can pass on to my friend would be much appreciated. If it was me,i would contact someone immediately but it's up to my friend.
Many thanks
Dizzy - 18-Jul-20 @ 10:25 PM
I am supposed to be moving I to my new rented home in the 20th July. The landlord is an Estate Agency who has continually delayed signing the agreement. They today phoned me to tell me they are no longer going to rent me the property as they don't feel wecwill have a harmonious relationship. This because I have politely queried things like why I am only getting the keys on the afternoon of my occupancy date
Hickers - 13-Jul-20 @ 7:52 PM
Hello,my friend is leaving his tenancy on the 15 November.
The landlord wants paying until the end of the month.
He is also trying to get someone else into the property to start on the next day ( 16 th November)
Can he charge both tenants for the same property or should my friend get 2 weeks rent back?
Thanks in advance for your advice.
Julie Gale.
Jules - 1-Nov-19 @ 6:20 PM
I moved out of a Cottons letting Agency Property on the 21st of Januray of this year, a standing order was set up for payments of rent.
I did recieve a final bill from Cottons and as I was in the process of moving home, I allowed for the standing order to be paid for the full months rent Inaively thought they realise the overpayment and reimburse the difference when they paid back my deposit.
The letting agency Cottons are refusing responsibility, and the landlord has failed to accept liability. Besides following there complaints procedure which Im finding very difficult to obtain what else could to do to recoup the overpayment.
Ladylikenat - 28-Jun-19 @ 3:47 PM
we own are home but landlord next door to me has left the the place in a bad way no one lives there no more as the man went in a home 2 years a go and all his stuff is still in there and we have mice his trees are over grown he doesent seem to want 2 no
none - 13-Jun-19 @ 9:38 AM
I’m privately rented, but with no tenacity agreement. I’m moving out with notice given and all is ok, my landlord messages me, with harassment/ bullying stating about the conditions of the property, I’m on holiday and he enters?
I said that you need to give me notice but he said he can enter. The property is clean and tidy, but states it’s “filth” I still have over 2 weeks left there and all my belongings are there. I’m scared to go back
Fran - 17-Nov-18 @ 12:05 AM
i have rented the place at Duvha Park in Wit bank stand no 2395 Ext 15 under Direct sell in Witbank the and i have paid a deposit of R4700 and i have send 30 days noticed on the 30/09/2018 i move out then they have said i am going to get that deposit because the house is dirty then we made an agreement they have said i have to paint the house only to find that when entered the house they didn't paint but i have decided to buy a paint and painted the whole house on the 20 of October 2018 expecting to get my deposit of 47000 backi didn't get it until today. please assist
Bafana - 6-Nov-18 @ 6:38 AM
I have been living in rented place for a month on the 23rd of this month and have had no hot water or shower, as its run from hot tap, since i moved in. I have asked and asked them to sort it out but they dont seem to be doing anything. Do i still have to pay rent if i havent had any hot water. Sandra
Sange - 17-Oct-18 @ 11:51 AM
@Ben - if the landlord has broken the terms of the agreement, then yes.
Nic - 13-Sep-18 @ 10:48 AM
My partner and I have signed a tenancy agreement less than a month ago. When we viewed the house, the landlord was still doing maintenance work on the house and said it would be completed when we move in. The work still needs doing on the house, he has been to the house once in the last 2 weeks and done roughly an hours work. He did not give us any notice that he was coming, we have sent him text messages and tried to call and he is ignoring us.
We don't really want to move in as there is no working shower (he is liable for this, there is a bath).
Before signing a tenancy agreement he did say that he would fit a new bathroom and kitchen within 12 months but I don't trust this will happen any more.
Can we refuse to move in and request all of our money back?
Ben - 12-Sep-18 @ 1:33 PM
Keneian - Your Question:
Our Response:
The Shelter link here tells you more on how you can make an official complaint. As evidence, I would make sure you keep a diary of all correspondence and the failures of your landlords to act.
ComplaintExpert - 9-Jul-18 @ 1:55 PM
Keneian - 7-Jul-18 @ 3:18 PM
My problem s because my landlord no speak english n went I have compleins she need the call the daughter (11) years n the girl no understand nothing n the mother think I want the fight n everything s you no like you need to move
Gorda - 9-Jun-18 @ 3:48 AM
Ash - Your Question:
Hi I have a big concern.i have given accomodation by my x solicitor on agreed verbal agreement but when I changed my solictor he turned from all his words and now he wants me to vacate hia house. I am asylum seeker n my case is in process.I dnt k ow what to do.he gave me notice which is tht I owe him money which is wrong because he took all cash from me and kept with him and told me tht he will adjust in my rent plz help
Our Response:
Unfortunately, you would have to seek alternative professional legal advice regarding this matter. If you gave your landlord cash, it would be more difficult to prove you have a case, unless you can prove you gave your landlord the money.
ComplaintExpert - 7-Jun-18 @ 11:19 AM
Hi i have a big concern .i have given accomodation by my x solicitor on agreed verbal agreement but when i changed my solictor he turned from all his words and now he wants me to vacate hia house. I am asylum seeker n my case is in process.
I dnt k ow what to do.he gave me notice which is tht i owe him money which is wrong because he took all cash from me and kept with him and told me tht he will adjust in my rent plz help
Ash - 6-Jun-18 @ 9:31 AM
Murphy- Your Question:
My son and daughter have a landlord that does nothing in the house that they rent it's a right mess
Our Response:
If the information in the article doesn't answer your question, please see the link here, which may help further.
ComplaintExpert - 5-Jun-18 @ 10:29 AM
My son and daughter have a landlord that does nothing in the house that they rent it's a right mess
Murphy - 4-Jun-18 @ 1:02 PM
Do - Your Question:
Hi I live next door to a landlord house. The people in it don't speak English. I have said to there landlord about them throwing cotton buds butt's. Burning clothes on there flat roof which is all blowing into myour yard. I have spoke to the landlord. Nothing was done. Now with the good weather the smell is bad coming from there bathroom which is my yard wall. The smell of urine stinks so bad I can't sit out my back or open any windows out back. I'm having to spray zoflore all round my yard every day 5/6 a day. I have told them about it and they don't speak English. The landlord doesn't care. I don't no what to do who to conplaine to. ??????
Our Response:
You can see more via the gov.uk link here , which should answer your question further.
ComplaintExpert - 31-May-18 @ 2:28 PM
Ilive next door to a landlord house . The people in it don't speak English.I have said to there landlord about them throwing cotton buds butt's. Burning clothes on there flat roof whichis all blowing into myour yard . I have spoke to the landlord . Nothing was done . Now with the good weather the smell is bad coming from there bathroom which is my yard wall . The smell of urine stinks so bad I can't sit out my back or open any windows out back . I'm having to spray zoflore all round my yard every day 5/6 a day.I have told them about it and they don't speak English . The landlord doesn't care . I don't no what to do who to conplaine to . ??????
Do - 29-May-18 @ 2:14 PM
Pawan - Your Question:
I want to complain against to illegal property ,landlord useing for business that properties and that properties rooms not have a Windows and that properties not have a flat or house that have a office before very bad she not care to anyone ,she want only money ,when I say to her give me my deposit back £400 she say to me no ,pls tell to how can I complaine about her ,seriously very bad property.
Our Response:
You can see the ways to have your deposit returned via the link here. If the property is not fit to rent, you can see more via the link here.
ComplaintExpert - 10-May-18 @ 9:51 AM
I want to complain against to illegal property ,landlord useingfor businessthat properties and that properties rooms not have a Windows and that properties not have a flat or house that have a office before very bad she not care to anyone ,she want only money ,when I say to her give me my deposit back £400 she say to me no ,pls tell to how can I complaine about her ,seriously very bad property.
Pawan - 9-May-18 @ 3:29 PM
Looking for advice please -
Our tenancy is up on the 25th May and we can’t move into our new home until the 4th June. The problem we have is the landlord isn’t answering any calls at all and it seems like he’s trying to avoid us? This has happened on a number of occasions he frankly hasn’t helped with any repair work and doesn’t want to be contacted or do any of his duties.
We are really starting to worry we need our tenancy to be extended or I don’t know what we will do.. a holding deposit has been paid for the new place and they can’t get us in any earlier because the house is being completely refurbished.
What are my rights... can I refuse to leave until the 4th of June? I can’t send him a letter because the estate agents can’t provide us with the details.
Any help would be truly grateful.
Many thanks
SNHH - 4-May-18 @ 3:52 PM
@Jules - just complain to the letting agent again. You'll have to unfortunately go through the same process. But, if it's a rubbish job - they should get the maintenance people back in.
SanB - 16-Feb-18 @ 3:10 PM
I got broke into just before Xmas. So the window got smashed and the frame was broken up also. It took 2 months for the letting agent to get round to putting a new window in. They have not put in new frame and beads just screwed the old beads and some plastic bits round the window to kind of secure it. Also there is a bit of draft coming in. I just need to know what I can do about this as it is such a cowboy job.
Jules - 16-Feb-18 @ 2:31 PM
Looking for advice i live in a council ground floor flat and my house and the house above me was badly flooded today by a private landlord in the 3 rd floor causing lots of damage to both properties.. on speaking to my housing they have said they will repair building ceiling and floors but nothing else as i need to claim the landlords liability insurance in regards to repairs needing done.. spoke to landlord whonhas basically said it was an accident and he is not liable for any losses. Also his property has actually been lying empty since October with only workmen going in occasionally.. Where do i stand with this as for me to go through my own house insurance i have an excess of £350 due to it being an escape of water.. I am at my wits end with this and any asvice would be really appreciated.
Suz - 11-Jan-18 @ 1:27 AM
Is there a governing body for private landlords who rent out workspace, shops and workshops?
Many artists work in poor conditions (eg lack of heating)and when they complain to landlords nothing is done.
Is their anyone who can support them force their landlords to fix thibgs that go wrong.
Hayleyhare - 18-Nov-17 @ 4:46 PM
145N - Your Question:
We have just moved in about a week ago and have found a few problems, we have a wobbly floor board upstairs in the bathroom and feels a bit unstable, the room that we are planning for our baby has mould underneath the wallpaper, also cracks in the wall underneath the wallpaper where a plug socket is and a hole in the floor under the radiator, a hole on the ceiling and floor where pipes are which are also loose. Our front door has no letterbox flaps on either side which brings in cold draught also there is a gap at the bottom of the door which shrinks when cold and if get hot, the door gets stuck. Our baby is premature and in hostpital still and concerned if she comes home it will make her ill as she is most vulnerable. We are most concerned about the mould and draught and the hole in the floor where the nursery will be. We have phoned the estate and a maintenance man did come round after we kept calling him for about a few days and when he came he didn't seem interested to what we shown him and haven't heard back since. What can we do ?
Our Response:
You can see more via the gov.uk link here which should explain all you need to know.
ComplaintExpert - 11-Sep-17 @ 3:58 PM
We have just moved in about a week ago and have found a few problems, we have a wobbly floor board upstairs in the bathroom and feels a bit unstable, the room that we are planning for our baby has mould underneath the wallpaper, also cracks in the wall underneath the wallpaper where a plug socket is and a hole in the floor under the radiator, a hole on the ceiling and floor where pipes are which are also loose. Our front door has no letterbox flaps on either side which brings in cold draught also there is a gap at the bottom of the door which shrinks when cold and if get hot, the door gets stuck. Our baby is premature and in hostpital still and concerned if she comes home it will make her ill as she is most vulnerable. We are most concerned about the mould and draught and the hole in the floor where the nursery will be. We have phoned the estate and a maintenance man did come round after we kept calling him for about a few days and when he came he didn't seem interested to what we shown him and haven't heard back since. What can we do ?
145N - 9-Sep-17 @ 4:58 PM
Bo - Your Question:
I've been renting privately for 10 months now. None of the bills are in my name, they're in my landlords name and I pay him directly. He owns the house and pays a mortgage on it. I've not been supplied with a smoke alarm or a carbon monoxide detector. Repairs have not been done either. He's living with his fiance and openly admits here not registered at her address. I'm concerned that he's doing something illegal. My partner moved in with me two weeks ago, my landlord has been round several times during that period and even met my partner. He stated that there's no issue with him living with me, but rent is to go up - which I expected - we agreed on the new rent amount and this was paid on the due date (24th July) during that whole day I received verbally abusive and harassing text messages from my landlord now stating that it was an issue my boyfriend moving in (even though for two weeks prior to this date he knew my partner was there and did not state any issues with it) he proceeded to tell me I was "taking the piss" out of him for having my partner live with me. My tenancy agreement does not state that it's single occupancy only, nor anything to do with having anyone live with me. After pointing out to him that he could have mentioned it during his several visits to the house that I did not understand why he now has an issue, and that I was feeling intimidated by his messages he told me a new contact was in the post for me and my partner to sign. Two days later I receive a hand written letter telling me I have one month to leave the house "under the circumstances". I feel totally at a loss as what action to take. My partner and I are looking elsewhere but who can I contact with regards to the issues (no smoke alarm, abusive harassment etc)?
Our Response:
In this case you would need to seek professional advice . The Citizens Advice may be able to help you further, please see link here. Please also see gov.uk link here which will help you further. If you have kept previous texts, these may help if you need to take the matter further.
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